General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

of DID Technologies GmbH, Managing Director Alexander Schmitt, Am Fernmeldeturm 1, 90441 Nuremberg (hereinafter: "Provider").


The Provider provides a web application for PDF authoring and conversion as a digital service (hereinafter: "Service"). For this purpose, the Provider provides an infrastructure via the website, which enables the user (hereinafter: "User") to transfer text and image files to Internet servers, edit them there and then convert them into another file format.

§ 1 General

(1) The following General Terms and Conditions apply to the business relationship between the Provider and the User as Customer. Users within the meaning of the Terms and Conditions are both consumers and entrepreneurs.

(2) A consumer within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions of Business is any natural person who concludes a legal transaction for purposes that can predominantly be attributed neither to his commercial nor to his independent professional activity.

(3) An entrepreneur within the meaning of these General Terms and Conditions of Business is a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of his commercial or independent professional activity.

(4) Individual agreements shall take precedence over these General Terms and Conditions. Deviating, conflicting or supplementary general terms and conditions of the user shall not become part of the contract unless their validity is expressly agreed to by the provider.

§ 2 Description of services and prices

(1) The Provider operates an infrastructure via the website, which enables the User to transfer text and image files to Internet servers, to edit them there and then to convert them into another file format.
For this purpose, the user is given the opportunity to transmit text and image files by e-mail and / or uploading to web servers, which are stored there for the purpose of processing and conversion on the web servers of the provider. The user grants the provider the right of use limited to this purpose.
The user is then sent the access link to a website by e-mail. This access link has a validity period of 24 hours from the time the e-mail is sent. Upon expiry of this period, the files stored on the web servers are deleted.
The user has extensive editing and conversion options on this website.
The provider makes the result available to the user as a download.

(2) The User must create an account on the Provider's website in advance in order to be able to use the Services. Here, the user can choose between a free test access with limited functionality and a paid access. The scope of services and the rates are determined by the offer and the description of services on the website of the provider and the selection of the user. The current prices stated there shall apply. The prices include the respective applicable statutory value added tax.

(3) The Provider reserves the right to delete the files transferred by the User on the web servers or to refuse the upload if there is insufficient storage capacity.
The Provider reserves the right to change the Services at any time. The Provider shall update the Services on a regular basis, in particular perform any necessary security updates, and it shall be entitled to change and expand the scope of functions of the Services and to further develop the Services (upgrade). The Provider shall inform the User in good time in advance of any changes that affect the User's ability to access the Services or their usability. If, contrary to expectations, such a change permanently impairs the User's ability to access or use the Services, the User may terminate the agreement with immediate effect. In this context, however, the User is obligated to create and maintain the technical prerequisites in terms of hardware and software required for the use of the Services, in particular to regularly perform any software updates of the required third-party software (e.g. operating system, browser, etc.) required for this purpose. Furthermore, the user is responsible for having a functioning internet connection available.

§ 3 User identification, conclusion of contract

(1) Registration is required to use the service. During registration, the user must specify a user name and password.
By submitting the completed registration form and accepting these Terms and Conditions, an account is created for the user. The user's e-mail address will then be verified. Upon successful completion of the verification process, access to the free service is activated.
The user has the possibility to select and book the chargeable services of the provider via the account area. The services offered for selection by the provider do not constitute an offer within the meaning of §§ 145 et seq. BGB, but a non-binding invitation to the user to select and order a service. By selecting a service, the user is redirected to the website of the external payment service provider. By submitting the completed form, the User makes an offer to conclude a contract for the chargeable service. With the activation of the booked service, the offer is accepted by the provider and the contract becomes legally binding.

(2) If the user becomes aware of misuse of his access data, he must inform the provider immediately. In the event of misuse, the Provider shall be entitled to block the User's access. The block can only be lifted by explicit request of the user. The user is prohibited from providing the access data to his account to third parties.

§ 4 Term and termination

The free service of the provider is not bound to a certain term of the contract.
The provider's fee-based services are tied to specific terms. The term is determined by the contract and is either one month or one year from the conclusion of the contract and is automatically extended by one month if the user does not terminate the contract before the end of the respective contract term. The user can terminate the contract directly in his account.
The provider can terminate the paid service with a notice period of 2 weeks to the end of the current billing period.
The right of the parties to extraordinary termination for good cause shall remain unaffected. Good cause shall be deemed to exist if the terminating party, taking into account all circumstances of the individual case and weighing the interests of both parties, cannot reasonably be expected to continue the contractual relationship until the agreed termination or until the expiry of a notice period.
In this respect, the Provider shall have an extraordinary right of termination in particular if the User violates § 6 para. 2 of these General Terms and Conditions or if the User has not paid the fee for two months or has not paid it in full.

§ 5 Right of withdrawal for consumers in the EU

If the user is a consumer, the following cancellation policy applies to him.

- Right of withdrawal -

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the date of conclusion of the contract.

To exercise your right of withdrawal, you must :

DID Technologies GmbH, Am Fernmeldeturm 1, 90441 Nuremberg, Germany
Tel. 0152 03113637

by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter sent by mail, fax or e-mail) about your decision to revoke this contract. You can use the attached sample cancellation form for this purpose, which is, however, not mandatory.

In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the withdrawal period.

Consequences of the revocation

If you revoke this contract, we shall reimburse you all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the fact that you have chosen a type of delivery other than the most favorable standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and no later than within fourteen days from the day on which we received the notification of your revocation of this contract. For this repayment, we will use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, unless expressly agreed otherwise with you; in no case will you be charged for this repayment.

If you have requested that the services begin during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us a reasonable amount corresponding to the proportion of the services already provided up to the time you notify us of the exercise of the right of withdrawal with respect to this contract compared to the total scope of the services provided for in the contract.

- End of the cancellation policy -

Sample cancellation form

(If you want to cancel the contract, please fill out and return this form).


DID Technologies Ltd.
At the telecommunications tower 1
90441 Nuremberg
Tel. 0152 03113637

I/we (*) hereby revoke the contract concluded by me/us (*) for the purchase of the following goods (*)/provision of the following service (*)

Ordered on (*)/received on (*)

Name of the consumer(s)

Address of the consumer(s)

Signature of the consumer(s) (only in case of notification on paper)


(*) Delete as applicable.

§ 6 General obligations of the user

(1) The user is responsible for creating and maintaining the technical requirements in terms of hardware and software necessary for the use of the services, and in particular for regularly carrying out software updates of the required third-party software (e.g. operating system, browser, etc.). Furthermore, the user is responsible for ensuring that he has a functioning Internet connection. The user is also recommended to regularly perform a data backup and to protect his computer system against unauthorized access and attacks, in particular to use and regularly update a firewall and anti-virus software. The provider is not liable for virus damage that could have been prevented by using appropriate software.

(2) When using the Provider's services, the User shall comply with the applicable law of the Federal Republic of Germany and these General Terms and Conditions. In particular, he is obliged to:
a) to provide true and complete information when registering with the Provider and the external payment service provider, in particular to provide the correct e-mail address as well as the correct first and last name, the correct address - insofar as this is required - and to provide correct and complete information on the intended means of payment (such as bank details). If this information is incorrect and the collection of any fees fails for this reason or for any other reason within the sphere of the user, or if a chargeback occurs, then the user shall bear all associated costs if the user is responsible for them.
b) not to use the services of the Provider for the retrieval or dissemination of immoral or illegal content as well as pornographic and radical right-wing content or content glorifying violence;
c) to observe the applicable law of the Federal Republic of Germany
d) not to violate the rights of third parties, in particular copyrights and ancillary copyrights, trademark, patent and other property rights as well as personal rights. In particular with regard to the use of copyrighted works, the user must take care of obtaining the relevant rights for the use himself, in particular he must obtain the necessary rights via GEMA or other copyright administration societies, insofar as rights have been transferred to such societies for administration;

§ 7 Blocking of access

The Provider reserves the right to block access to its services or to refuse the initial or repeated registration of a User if the User uses the Provider's services unlawfully or violates these General Terms and Conditions. The user will be informed of this immediately by e-mail. Further claims of the provider remain reserved in this case.

§ 8 Payment options

(1) Users who use chargeable services of the Provider shall pay the price via the external payment service provider used by the Provider and the payment methods made available there.

(2) For this purpose, the user must register on the homepage of the payment service provider. The concrete payment modalities are determined by the offer and the service description of the provider.

(3) The User shall only have the right to offset if his claims have been legally established, acknowledged or are undisputed. The User shall also be entitled to offset against claims of the Provider if he asserts notices of defects or counterclaims from the same contractual relationship. The user is only authorized to exercise a right of retention insofar as his counterclaim is based on the same contractual relationship.

§ 9 Warranty

(1) The Supplier's liability for product defects shall be determined in accordance with the statutory provisions § 327d et seq. of the German Civil Code (BGB).
For the services offered, the provider guarantees an accessibility of the servers of 98% on a monthly average, unless the provider acts intentionally or grossly negligent. Excluded from this are times when the servers are not accessible due to technical or other problems that are beyond the control of the provider (such as force majeure, fault of third parties).

(2) The Provider assumes no liability for the uninterrupted availability of the servers and for system-related failures, interruptions and malfunctions of the technical equipment that are not within the sphere of the Provider. In particular, the Provider shall not be liable for disruptions in the quality of the servers operated by the Provider due to force majeure or events for which the Provider is not responsible. These include, in particular, strikes, lockouts, lawful internal company industrial action and official orders. Furthermore, this also includes the complete or partial failure of the communication and network structures and gateways of other providers and operators required for the Provider's own provision of services.

(3) The content transferred by the user to the provider's web servers and made available there is external content for the provider within the meaning of Section 7 (2) TMG. The user who published the content is legally responsible. The provider is not responsible for the descriptions, characteristics and legal validity of the data stored by the user. The provider does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and statements of the user, neither for the identity nor for the integrity of the user.

§ 10 General limitations of liability

Incidentally, the provider is only liable for its own content on the website Insofar as links provide access to other websites, the provider is not responsible for the third-party content contained therein. The provider does not adopt the third-party content as its own.

If the provider becomes aware of illegal content on external linked websites, access to these pages will be blocked immediately.

§ 11 Rights of the provider

All copyrights, trademark rights or other protective rights to the website, the content, data and other elements created by the provider itself are the exclusive property of the provider. Any rights of the users to the contents posted by them or transmitted to the provider remain unaffected.

§ 12 Data protection

The Provider processes personal data of the User in compliance with the statutory data protection provisions, in particular the DSGVO and the BDSG. In this regard, reference is made to the provider's privacy policy.

§ 13 Applicable law, place of jurisdiction

(1) The contract and the entire legal relationship between the parties shall be governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). (

(2) If the User is a merchant, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract shall be the court responsible for the Provider's place of business, unless an exclusive place of jurisdiction is given.
The same applies if the user does not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or if the user's place of residence or habitual abode is unknown at the time the action is brought.

§ 14 Final provisions

Should any provision of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid in whole or in part or lose its legal validity at a later date, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. In place of the invalid provision, the statutory provisions shall apply. If such provisions do not exist, the invalid provision shall be deemed to be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the economic purpose of the invalid provision. The same shall apply in the event of a loophole in the contract.

DID Composer